We provide a wide range of Services
“Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll buy a funny hat. Talk to a hungry man about fish, and you’re a consultant.” – Scott Adams
- Employee Survey
- Training Need Identification
- 360 Degree Questionnaire
- Psychometric Assessments
- Assessment Centres
- Implementing Quality Projects
The employee survey is a technique that has been used for years to understand how employees feel about their work environment. Surveys can be completed by the employees or by the employer. Surveys can provide valuable data about how employees are feeling and what they like or dislike about their work environment.
Training need identification is the process of finding out what training might be needed by an organization. It is a process that needs to be done before any other planning can take place. The following are some things that need to be considered when performing training need identification:
- What is the current skill level of employees?
- What are the goals of the company?
- What topics does the company need to know about?
- What is being used as a benchmark for success in this area?
- Does this area have specialized terminology that needs to be learned?
- Is there any safety certification requirements for employees in this area?
Once these questions have been answered, then you will know what type of training would be required and how often it would need to take place.
A 360-degree questionnaire is a survey designed to solicit feedback from anyone who interacts with the individual.
The following are some of the benefits of 360-degree questionnaires:
1. They provide a broader and more complete view of an individual’s behavior, attitudes, needs, wants, capabilities and potential.
2. They offer new insights into an individual’s development potential as determined by others who know them well.
3. They can be used to develop better understanding of how employees feel about their work environment and organizational policies.
Psychometric assessments can be a useful tool when looking for new employees. They help by assessing the traits that an applicant has and use these to predict how they will perform in their new job. It can also help with staff development and identifying potential problems before they happen.
The main benefit that psychometric assessments offer is that they are objective. The assessment gives a more accurate picture of a candidate’s personality than interviewing alone.
The drawbacks of psychometric assessments are that they are not always 100% accurate and it takes time to complete them so you may not get feedback right away.
Assessment centres are a place where employees are assessed on their performance. This assessment is done by managers and employees and interviews, tests, projects, presentations, etc.
Large companies like Google use assessment centres to evaluate the skills of employees before hiring them. They also use internship as a method of evaluation to see if an individual is worth investing in or not.
We can help you in designing your own customised assessment, validate it, train your staff as assessors and implement the Assessment center.
Implementing quality projects (IQP) is a valuable tool for improving organizational performance. It is the process of executing initiatives to continually improve products, services, processes and jobs.
Quality projects are aligned with the organization’s strategic priorities, and they are typically mandated by top management to be delivered in a specific time frame. IQP entails an integrated set of tasks that help ensure project success. Key tasks include: planning the project; creating a team for the project; initiating communication about the project; assigning roles to team members; setting timelines for deliverables and milestones; managing expectations through line management and others involved in the project’s production process; identifying risks and mitigating them as much as possible before they happen by taking appropriate precautions or conditions into account while working on the project or activity in question, etc.
- Implementing Balance Score Card
- Performance Measurement
- Competency Mapping
- Mentoring System & Processes
- Art Storming
- Setting up L&D team
A balance score card is a management tool used to identify and articulate what an organization wants to achieve.
A balance scorecard is an organizational planning and measurement tool that can be used for strategic alignment, goal setting, and performance measurement. The metrics on the score card are considered balanced when they measure the financial, customer, and internal processes of the company.
Performance measurement is a way for companies to be able to measure the success of their strategies and how well they are able to execute on these strategies.
Performance measurement is a way for companies to measure their success as well as the strategy that they are trying to execute on. There are three different types of performance measurements: financial, operational, and customer-focused. Financial performance measurements evaluate the financial health of a company by looking at things like revenues, expenses, profit margins, debt load, etc. Operational performance measures assess how well an organization is performing its internal processes such as production output or inventory turns. Lastly customer-focused performance measures evaluate the satisfaction level that customers have with the company’s products or services
Competency mapping is an essential tool to understand the true structure of a company. It helps to identify the gaps in skillsets and what competencies are needed for future growth.
The map provides a bird’s eye view of a company’s current state. It details who has what skills, which can then be used to determine where new hires should come from in order to fill the gaps.
Competency mapping can help companies identify what jobs they need in the future and what skills are required for those positions.
Mentoring is a process where one person, the mentor, shares all their knowledge and experience with another person, the mentee. For an effective mentoring process to happen, there needs to be equality in power between the two persons. The mentor should not have more or less power than the mentee.
The main goal of a mentorship is for the mentor to share their knowledge and experience with someone who might not know as much as them. A successful mentorship process can be seen when there is an equal distribution of knowledge and understanding between both parties involved in it.
Job satisfaction, Engagement
L&D teams should be established in order to create a culture of learning. A culture of continuous learning is the key to success for any company in this day and age. A L&D team can help the company by:
- developing a process of continuous education and improvement, both for the employees and the company as a whole;
- increasing motivation among employees by emphasizing their personal improvement;
- improving retention due to improved satisfaction with work conditions.
Would you like to start a project with us?
Lets work together in a one-of-a-kind, customised training program that combines the power of knowledge, technology and personal coaching.