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“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” Michael Jordan

A virtual team simulation is a computer simulated environment that allows you to practice and experience the challenges of working in virtual teams.

Developing a strong sense of team collaboration and cooperation is going to be increasingly important in the future. Virtual team simulations help individuals gain experience in a simulated environment, which can make them better prepared if they are called on to work as part of a virtual team.

Virtual team simulations can create opportunities for members of different departments within an organization to interact with one another in the workplace. This can be an especially valuable tool for those companies that have employees who work remotely or even internationally.

The simulations are also very beneficial for the HR department since they can see how people interact with each other as they go through various activities like problem solving or brainstorming sessions, then do assessments on how things went so that they can try again after making adjustments before placing someone in a real.

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